I went to go see Michael, my mentor/my hero/my everything, today to bid farewell, FIDM only, on my last day at FIDM and get his two senses on things.
He told me the truth about my portfolio which I desperately needed. It was honest, it was straight to the point, and it was encouraging. (unlike some people!)
He reiterated some points about how it would be after college. It's going to be hard, I know. But it's just comforting to hear it from him... which also made me regret the fact that I didn't go to Parson's.
Then shows came about and Art Walk came to mind. He gave me the low down on DTLA Art Walk.
The art, which I can vouch for, isn't that great. This whole Thursday night event is nothing but a developer's way to further gentrify the area. In which I have to agree due to the fact that Downtown becomes lively and packing with business at night during Art Walk.
I'm not saying it's necessarily bad for the city. In fact it's great!
It only sucks for the true artists being forced to showcase elsewhere due to the high cost of living in downtown.
Gentrification. It's a double edged sword!