Today I walked around with my parents in their little hometown.
I think its so funny that almost everyone tried to get in every picture I took. Or at least tried to get my attention to take their picture.
This one is my absolute fave for the day. He blatantly told me to take his picture, but he was running away.
I love how it's a pretty big town, but its so small. We ran into Ate Min and Nano while we ate at my favorite place. I call it Ong Pin... because I don't really know what the hell they call it.
Alright, so Ate Min picked me up at my house around 9ish- slightly Filipino time. It's been such a long time since I've seen her. I was honestly wee high!
I was ecstatic to take tons of pics and even packed my super zoom lens in my douchebag superfluous purse. And then midway through the trip, I realized I left my memory card on the laptop! Haha! I'm such a fucking genius!
Right after that we hit a fuck load of traffic on some highway -typical- and so we are rushing as fast as we could because Nano has a book signing at MOA.
Ah! Did i mention there was a huge ass spider in the car?
Alright so we get to Silverlens Gallery and they are showing sick ass photography by Frankie Callaghan of the slums. I absolutely love it! Who cares if he used PS or not! It reminded me so much of Ismail Farouk and his take on urban slums in South Africa and Los Angeles.
So the car decides not start. -At this point, I'm feeling soooo amazingly lucky!
We walk on over to Manila Contemporary and I absolutely fell in love with Navas' work. They say she doesn't sell as well as everyone else because her work is so thick. People just don't get it! We head on over to Evangelista to try and get the car fixed. "How does it sound?" Says the mechanic. "Tic tic tic." By this time, I'm laughing my ass off in the back!
That was a fail. We get dropped off at MOA and the car to Toyota. Some Savory Chicken while we're at it. It'll take two days says Toyota. Right then and there we decided that we'll take public transportation to get to where we were going while Mama Ai will go back along with the car.
(Notice that I'm switching my tenses from past to present? Honestly, I'm such a bad writer)
The book fair at MOA. Sucks! But Ate Min did buy me a book by Lualhati Bautista. So that was pretty awesome! I've never read a book in a foreign language. Don Quixote doesn't count!
And then it pours! Really hard! ...according to mama Ai who, by the way, is an environmentalist who works for an NGO. Honestly, my family never ceases to amaze me!
We take an L300 or something like that to take the MRT or was it the LRT? Anyway, it was CRAZY!!! Theres a line that separates boys and girls because apparently, when it wasn't segregated, dudes would grab them chicks tits and ass, which I thought was HILARIOUS. We headed to Tri-Noma to kill some time until the gallery opening. Sushi anyone?
We take the jeep to WEST Gallery and that ride was pretty fun! Like always!
West Gallery! Amazing! Geraldine Javier! I was so fortunate to have met all of ate Min's peers! Artists, collectors, writers, directors and bloggers alike!
I met Lyra and she liked my Thakoon dress. Upon doing much research, her work is beautiful. Painful, but beautiful.
Which I noticed is a common thread among the Manila Art Scene. Theres that dark painful longing for something more and that is what makes it beautiful.
I was over at Heathcliff's dashboard looking at the snippets of everything I've written for this blog and I'm laughing at all the crap shit I've written. I know vain! But I was entertained!
My cousin Yasmin Sison promised that upon my arrival in The Philippines, she would take me to go gallery hopping. And so yesterday, she did, along with her husband Mariano Ching. I knew they were artists, but it wasn't until yesterday that I fully realized how prominent they were in the Manila Art Scene.
Silver Lens Manila Contemporary WEST
West Gallery, by the way, had a gallery opening showcasing Geraldine Javier. I was fortunate enough to meet the artist and practically everyone noteworthy in the the Manila art scene.