I don't have a list.
But when I tell myself, I mean really tell myself, actually converse with myself, not the talk to yourself busy doing work talk to yourself or the talk to yourself laughing at the TV talking to yourself, the talk to yourself that takes five silent seconds and think... "hmm... I'm gonna a douchebag and do it"... kind of talk to yourself.
It took a lot to give up pork. Two years later, I gave up beef. I had to talk to myself with the latter because I love sketch ass Korean buffets.
I never plan on any of this so it's really dangerous when you give me a thought to ponder and I talk to myself.
This time I'm thinking of growing my hair. This is going to be so hard because I like my hair short. I like being different. I'm not thinking of growing it out of vanity. I'm thinking of donating it to Locks of Love.
In a way, by keeping my short hair... I feel like it's much more vain rather than growing it out.
....ok now I'm really thinking of growing it just to prove that I can let go of my short hair personality.
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